South Africa tiptoes towards coalition politics

Voters waiting patiently in hours-long queues in South Africa’s parliamentary election, May 29, 2024 The results of the election to the South African parliament on Friday confirmed the widely-held belief that the ruling African National Congress (ANC) which  spearheaded the country’s liberation from apartheid in 1993 and since dominated the political landscape like a banyan tree …

The ‘inside track’ of Putin-Xi Jinping talks

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov (C) addressing the Council for Foreign and Defence Policy, Moscow, May 18, 2024 In international diplomacy, summit meetings stand apart from regular high-level meetings when they are held at key moments or important junctures to reinforce partnerships and/or launch major initiatives.  The summit meeting at Beijing last Thursday between Chinese President …

Sino-Russian entente shifts the tectonic plates of world politics

The state visit by Russian President Vladimir Putin to China underscored that the two superpowers’ choice of entente-type alignment has gained traction. It falls short of explicit military obligations of support and yet will not entirely rule out military support either. By embracing a form of strategic ambiguity, it provides them the optimal means to …