Putin ushers Russia into transition period

Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered his annual address to Federal Assembly, Moscow, January 15, 2020  It is a common fallacy that authoritarian rulers can afford to be impervious to public opinion. On the contrary, leaders like Russia’s Vladimir Putin or Turkey’s Recep Erdogan who are democratically elected ‘strongmen’ and enjoy high popularity in their respective …

Europe’s gas alliance with Russia is a match made in heaven

Amidst the excitement over the killing of the ISIS chief Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, a development of much impact on international security passed by when Denmark made the innocuous announcement on October 30 that it would permit the proposed Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to pass through its exclusive economic zone.  Copenhagen modestly explained that it …

Germany, France struggle with resurgent Russia

A German-French joint statement on Friday regarding Ukraine condemned Russia and demanded the immediate release of the sailors detained following the so-called Kerch incident in November. Moscow hit back in equally strong language summarily rejecting the Franco-German demand. The Franco-German motivation in provoking Russia remains unclear. Maybe, a combination of circumstances would be at play. …