Time for rethink on CPEC

India needs to cut the Gordian knot of strategic stalemate in its external environment MK Bhadrakumar Former Ambassador A‘whispering campaign’ has been going on that CPEC is fated to put an intolerable burden on Pakistan’s debt repayment liabilities, with no commensurate economic returns. Fact check is uncommon in our part of the world: Moody’s says …

Beware, Rahul. Congress in Kerala is on suicidal path.

The Congress Party in Kerala has taken one of its stupidest decisions by launching a public agitation on the Sabarimala issue. This is going to be a classic case of blowback. Congress Party’s motives in playing hide and seek with the Supreme Court verdict on Sabarimala last month are three-fold: a) take a contrarian view …